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Cubic meter of firewood

How many cubic meters of firewood are in the car?

If you have decided to buy firewood, you may be faced with this question when placing an order and receiving firewood: How to determine the volume of firewood? Indeed, the most common question when buying firewood is the question of measuring the volume.

How many cubes of firewood are in a car? How to count the volume of chopped firewood? How to check the seller? Let's figure it out.

A cubic meter is a common unit of measure for forestry. For round timber (round timber), the notion of a dense cubic meter (solid wood without gaps) is used, and for firewood, a stacked cubic meter (counting gaps).



Cube of firewood

Determining the volume of lumber is fairly easy if it's neatly stacked: multiply length by width and height and you're done. It is more difficult to calculate the volume of chopped firewood or firewood in chunks. For this purpose, a unit of measure is used - a "stock cubic meter", i.e. a cubic meter of firewood with gaps.

To convert from stock cubic meters to cubic meters of wood, a conversion factor is used, which depends on the type of wood and the size of the logs. In most cases, a conversion factor of 0.7 is used for conversion.

For example: If you receive firewood stacked "in the stack," then measure the length, height, and width of the stack. Multiply the parameters and multiply the resulting volume by a factor of 0.7.

Volume = width * length * height * 0,7 - thus we get the real volume of firewood.


Bulk cube of firewood

However, not all sellers stack firewood, many sell firewood in bulk (loose, without stacking). There is a concept for this situation - bulk (bulk) cubic meter.

Bulk cubic meter. (bulk cubic meter) - the volume of the body in which the firewood is piled, not stacked.

To accurately calculate firewood, conversion factors are used to convert "bulk" cubes to "stacked cubes" and vice versa. A conversion factor is used to calculate, which depends on the length and thickness of the logs.

For example: If you are brought a car of firewood in bulk, then first we measure the length, height and width of the body of the car, then we measure the length of the log and calculate the stock volume using the factor.

If the volume of the body (width * length * height) is 10 cubic meters, and the length of the logs 50 cm, then in the car - 10 * 0.75 = 7.5 "stock" cubic meters of firewood. To convert the stock cubic meters in real, we multiply the volume by a factor of 0.7 (see above). So the volume of solid wood (real cubic meters) is 7.5 * 0.7 = 5.25.

Each region has formed its own rules for selling firewood. Firewood can be sold in bulk, stacked, in nets, on pallets, in boxes, etc.

Few sellers use 1 actual cubic meter of wood when calculating the volume of firewood. They almost always say 1 cubic meter of firewood, meaning 1 cubic meter of stock.

If you are told that the wood is "1400 UAH per cube" - this means that the 1 storable cubic meter of wood costs 1400 UAH. If you ask for the price of the "real" cubic meter of wood, then the seller will simply divide the cost of stock cubic meter by the coefficient of 0.7. In this case, the cost of the real cubic meter of wood will be 1400 / 0.7 = 2000 UAH per cube.

In rural areas they often do not use volume calculations when selling. Firewood is sold by carts or by trucks (gas trucks, zigs, kamazes, gazelles). Often the seller of a cartload of firewood when asked "What is the volume of firewood in the cart?" - just doesn't know the answer.

taken from the source:https://pelletronspb.ru/kubometr_drov